Payments in Progress

The PAYMENTS IN PROGRESS report gives you an overview of all the payments currently in progress, including payments initiated by your affiliates. The report gives you visibility into transactions across both your account and your affiliates. You can filter and review the payments by the statuses Awaiting ApprovalAwaiting Booking, and Declined.

Note: Any transactions initiated via the Make Payment flow are currently included in the report. Transactions initiated via Spot Trade, Forward trades, Multi Forwards, and Upload Center are currently excluded from the report.

To generate the Payments in Progress report

  1. On Your Dashboard, click Reporting, and then click PAYMENTS IN PROGRESS
    Alternatively, in the REPORTS section on the Home page, click Payments in Progress.
  2. Optionally, make any changes the search criteria.
    The default is to search for payments processed on the current day.
    Note: The Affiliate column and filter is displayed only if your company has one or more divisions and affiliates.
  3. Click SEARCH.
    All of the payments processed on the selected day are displayed.

    Payments in Progress report

  4. By default, the items in the report are sorted from the most recent to the oldest based on the date of transaction.
  5. Optionally, click one of the icons at the top of the page to print the report or export the results to an Excel file.